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Dear Melanoma - TNG Friends
Dear friends and family,
This year, I have made a choice, I am not going to walk as Team Naked Gardiners… instead I will walk under a different banner, a banner of friendship, to support my friend Emma Betts (of Dear Melanoma) and her beautiful family.
Emma has devoted her life’s purpose to melanoma, particularly educating young females about the need to be sun-safe. She has raised an enormous amount of funds in the name of research particularly for the Melanoma Institute of Australia and more recently the Smiling for Smiddy Foundation here in Brisbane, with her hubby Serge cycling across the countryside. And just last week (January), she ever so graciously was awarded the 2017 Lord Mayor’s Young Citizen of the Year in the Brisbane City Council’s Lord Mayor Australia Day Awards for the work she has done in education, melanoma and sun-safety awareness and fundraising.
I know personally that as a patient with terminal melanoma the toll of devoting your life to something that affects you physically can be all consuming and the weight great, for Emma she takes on this responsibility with a youthful passion and a strong desire to help many, not just those affected with melanoma.
Every year when I walk the Melanoma March I am reminded by how much beautiful support is around me. When I look in to the faces of others marching, I know they feel the same about their own lives, whatever their connection may be with this awful disease.
I am often overcome by this emotional wave of gratitude when the deep understanding evolves that my loved ones made a conscious and physical commitment to come and support me, to stand by me, to raise their own awareness which then in turn allows them to support others and to donate to research… their support of me, becomes their support of YOU.
So in the name of friendship, this year I take off my Team Naked Gardiners’ hat and swap it with a Dear Melanoma team member hat, to walk alongside my beautiful friend Emma, to show support for her and her family after a very tough year and that as a united force we can throw our healing love behind our friend!
Raising money in the name of research has always been Emma’s number one priority, let’s support her mission and make this year the best year ever in helping her and her family reach these heights! Research means options, for you, for me, for Emma and the greater population of Australia.
May your family never be touched by Melanoma, but if they are, know that your friends are always here to support you!
You can Donate below, all money will go towards Emma's team goal for the Dear Melanoma Team! Every little bit counts! We would love your support!
Much love
Kathy, Anthony, Winston and The Naked Gardiner Family xx
Melanoma Institute Australia (Melanoma March)
Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the goal of zero deaths from melanoma, a goal we believe we can reach this decade through innovative, world-class research, treatment and education programs.
For more info, visit our website.